News and Events!!
Saxophone Ensemble:
Dr. Craig Treinen at Washburn University has a large saxophone ensemble this year and is opening up this opportunity for high school students to join. It is free and a highly recommended, musical experience. Please email Dr. Treinen if you are interested at
Here is his message:
This year I have enormous studio of saxophone majors, 16 to be exact! We are starting a saxophone ensemble here at Washburn University that will meet on Wednesday evenings. The rehearsal will start at 6:00pm, and finish around 7:30pm. So, I would like extend an invitation to any of your HS saxophone student who would like to come and participate in this ensemble. It will be a first here at Washburn University and a cool experience for saxophonists. If you have any students interested in participating have them email me. I am hoping to have at least 30 saxophones in this ensemble. That will be a lot of brass in one spot!